Why is an Energy Performance Certificate Necessary?

  • 12 months ago
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Energy Performance Certificate

An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a document that assesses and ranks the energy performance of a building or a space. It serves as a tool that provides information about energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, helping property owners and tenants understand the energy efficiency of their property. Issuing an EPC has been mandatory for renting properties in Greece since 2011.

 What is an Energy Performance Certificate?

An EPC includes information about the building’s energy consumption, its energy efficiency rating, and recommendations for improving its energy performance. The energy efficiency rating ranges from A+ (highest efficiency) to H (lowest efficiency).

The process for issuing an EPC involves a visit from a qualified energy inspector to the property, who will evaluate various parameters such as:

– The quality of thermal insulation.

– The type and efficiency of the heating and cooling systems.

– The installations for hot water usage.

– The performance of doors and windows.


 Why is an Energy Performance Certificate Necessary?

Issuing an EPC for renting out your property is necessary for several reasons:

  1. Legal Requirement: According to Greek law, the issuance and presentation of an EPC is mandatory for every new property rental. Without it, the lease is not legal and cannot be registered in the digital TAXIS system.
  2. Transparency: An EPC provides a clear picture of the property’s energy performance, allowing tenants to make informed choices. Knowledge of energy efficiency can influence their decision, as an energy-efficient property means lower energy bills.
  3. Increase in Property Value: A property with high energy efficiency can be more attractive to tenants and buyers, increasing its value. Additionally, energy efficiency can improve the comfort and quality of life of its occupants.
  4. Promotion of Sustainable Development: Issuing and complying with energy performance standards contribute to reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. This supports efforts to protect the environment and promote sustainable development.

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